mercredi 31 octobre 2018

Blog 2

5 places to visit quebec

1. La gaspesie; it's is very beautiful. it is at the eastern tip of the gaspe peninsula

2. Les Laurentides: It is full of yellow and red leaves. It is in the north of montreal.

3. Le hockey: It is the famous sport in Quebec.

4. Les aurores: it is the remarkable phenomenon and colorful like fireworks.

5. Montreal: It is the second largest French speaking city.

Foods to eat in Quebec

1. La cipate aux bleuts: it is a traditional blueberry pie

2. La touritere: it is a meat pie usually made from minced pork and spices

3. Le sirop d'erable: people go to cabane a sucre. it is made of fresh snow and scooped up with
wooden sticks.

mardi 30 octobre 2018

Blog 3: Mon Héros/ Mon Héroine pour le lundi 5 Novembre

Write a paragraph of 7 sentences minimum to describe "Mon Héros ou mon Héroine"
and explain why . ( MAKE IT UP IF NEEDED)

Mon heros/ Mon heroine s’appelle….

Il/ elle    ( age)  .

Il/ elle est      ( adjectives and physical appearance).

Mon héros aime ( likes and dislikes ).

Il / elle est ( attributes )

Il est mon heros parce que….

Add a picture 

Blog 2: Au Quebec

5 places to visit-

1. Montreal: I personally love to explore big cities, and I've never been to Canada.
So I think it would be a lot of fun to walk around, and go sightseeing.

Image result for montreal canada

Montmorency Falls: I don't think we have any big waterfalls in or around Cupertino, so I think it would be very nice to see one. I would especially like to see it during winter time to see it frozen.

Image result for frozen montmorency falls

Hotel de glace: I think it's very unique, and it would be interesting to spend a few nights in a place entirely made of ice.
Image result for mont cosmos observatory

Les aurores boréales: I have never seen the northern lights before, so I think it would be nice to visit the Mount Cosmos Observatory with my family.

Le Saint-Laurent:
I've never been whale watching, and if I went with my brother, he would love it.

4 dishes I would like to eat:

I would love to try poutine because I love french fries, and the cheese and gravy on top look delicious.

Image result for la poutine

La citpâte aux bleuets:
Image result for la cipâte aux bleuetsI love pie, but I've never had blueberry pie, so I think it'd be worth a try.

Also, it looks very delicious. 

La tourtière:
I honestly don't know how to feel about meat pie, but it's a Quebec specialty so I would try it.

Le sirop d'érable:
This may be stereotypical, but I've heard that Canada has great maple syrup. Syrup on snow sounds interesting, but I think I would go maple syrup tasting if I had the opportunity.

Image result for le sirop d'érable

3 activities I would like to do:

Le canoë:
If I went to Quebec during Summertime, I would definitely go with friends because it seems like it would a lot of fun.

Image result for le canoë quebec

La pêche blanche:
I've never a had a successful fishing trip, but maybe it'll teach me how to fish properly.

Watch an Ice Hockey game:
Because ice hockey is the most important spot in Quebec, I think it would be appropriate for me to attend a game. I've only been to the San Jose Sharks games, and they were pretty fun.

Image result for quebec ice hockey

2 Famous people from Canada/Quebec I would like to meet:

I would like to meet Canadian-French female singer Jorane. She plays the cello, and she has a very beautiful voice. I would ask her for singing tips, and how to perform on stage.

Related image

Image result for Nanette WorkmanI would also like to meet Nanette Workman, another female singer-songwriter based in Quebec. If she had a concert, I would definitely attend. 

An event I would like to go to:

I would like to go to Le Festival international de jazz de Montréal. I really enjoy music, and jazz musicians from all over the world travel to participate and share their culture/music.
Image result for le festival international de jazz de montréal

blog 2: Au Quebec

lundi 29 octorbre 2018
Blog 2: Au Quebec

Five place I would like to visit:
1 Les Aurores Boréale -a beauiful place, thats know for is remarkable northern lights in july, I would love to see the remarkable colorful light shining in the night
2 Le Saint-Laurent -the place where you can find lots of large sea mammals, like whales and dolphins swimming in the river.
3 Les Laurentides -spectacular foliage in the fail, a place i would love to visit for is lovely colored foliage
4 Nord-du Quebec -a place full of wildlife.

lundi 29 octobre 2018

Blog 2 Au Quebec

Five places I would like to visit in Quebec:
Image result for montmorency falls
Montmorency Falls
I would also like to visit the Montmorency Falls, especially while the waterfall becomes a still piece of ice, shaped like water. 
Image result for les laurentides
Les Laurentides

If I were to have a chance to go to Quebec, first of all, I would like to visit Les Laurentides. I find the numerous colors intriguing and I would love to take pictures of this naturally colorful scenery. 

Image result for hotel la glace

I would like to go to the Hotel de Glace, the beautiful colors seen through the ice make the building look like it's made for a festival. 

Image result for aurora borealis
Just like the Hotel de Glace, I find the colors of the aurora borealis very beautiful, I would love to see the lights in person one day and enjoy the streams of color above my head.

Image result for montreal
I find everything in Quebec looking so colorful, including the forests, ice hotels, and even just the place Montreal itself at night, the lights look so warm and welcoming, I would definitely like to visit Montreal and take pictures. 

Food I would like to try: 
Image result for tourtiere
The tourtiere looks very appealing to me, I want to try the savory meat flavor in a pie. 

Image result for poutineI already enjoy french fries and cheese separately, I can't imagine what it would taste like in one plate, I can't wait to try just that. Poutine is two of my favorite foods mashed into one dish, its guaranteed to gain my favor.

Image result for quebec syrup
I think i would really enjoy trying some fresh maple syrup from Quebec on a pancake or waffles. 

Image result for ice fishingAlthough I have absolutely no experience on fishing, I've always wanted to try and have it become my hobby so I think I will have no problem with it if my first fishing experience is ice fishing.

Image result for traineau a chien
traineau a chien
I think being on a dog sled will probably be pretty cold, but I think if  I wear the right clothes it'll be okay, I think it would be pretty fun.

If I can, i want to buy the Canadian Goose brand clothes, so I won't ever be cold, byut I find it very expensive.

Image result for Celine DionI would like to meet Celine Dion, I love her strong voice and I would like to see her perform too someday. 

Image result for Drake

I don't know Drake quite well but I know quite a few people who are his fans so I would like to get to know him better.

Image result for Quebec Winter Carnival

I believe that I would have a lot of fun at the Quebec Winter Carnival, I want to see different sculptures that are both detailed and beautiful. 

Blog 2

If I ever visit Quebec,
I would want to visit:

  • Mount Royal
  • Notre-Dame Basilica
  • Montreal Biodome
  • Montreal Botanical Garden
  • Montreal Olympic Stadium
I would like to try:
  • Le Syrup d'erable
  • La cipate aux bleuets
  • La tourtiere
  • Cretons et pain
T would like to participate in:

  • regarde les aurores boreales
  • les traineaux
  • la peche blanche

I would hope to meet:
  • Bruce Greenwood
  • William Shatner
I would like to go see:
  • Le Carnaval de Quebec

Blog 2 Au Quebec

By: Lin Beatrice

If I go to Quebec I would like to go to les Laurentides, la Gaspesie, le Nord du Quebec, les aurores boreales, and le Saint-Laurent. Les Laurentides, la Gaspesie, and les aurores boreales, because of the view. Le Nord du Quebec and le Saint-Laurent because of the animals or sea mammals.

Some things that I would like to eat are la cipate aux bleuets, la toutriere, le sirop d' erable, and la poutine. Since for the cipate aux bleuets, I like blueberries, for la tourtriere, I know a dish in china that is kind of similar, and for le sirop d' erable, I like sweets. Well for la poutine, I don't really have a reason, just to try it.

Some activities I would do if I go to Quebec are le hockey, la peche blanche, and le canoe, because I have not done any of those activities before.

Two famous people that I would want to meet are Celine Dion, and Reese Witherspoon, since they are both very talented people and I want to know how other fans would react if they meet them.

An event that I would like to attend is le Carnaval de Quebec, to see the ice castle.

Blog 2: Au Quebec du Mardi 30 Octobre

I would like to visit Parc de la Chute-Montmorency, Parc National de la Jacques-Cartier, Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Shrine, Aquarium du Québec, Musée de la Civilisation.

I would like to eat poutine, Tourtiére, Pâté chinois, Pouding chômeur.

I would like to traîneau à chiens, jouer au hockey, le canoë.

I would like to meet Jim Carrey and Drake

I would like to go to the Festival International de Jazz de Québec

Blog 2: Au Quebec

I would like to visit Les Laurentides in the fall and see the foliage. Le hotel de glace, because it would be very cool to experience to be in a hotel made entirely of ice. Le Saint-Laurent because I could then see various sea creatures. Le Nord du Quebec to see wildlife such as moose and carabu. And Chute le Montmorency because I want to climb up a frozen waterfall.

I would like to eat la cipate aux bleuets, le sirope d'erable, la poutine, and pouding chômeur.
I would like to see les aroura boreals, canoe, and ride a dogsled.
I would like to meet Kaetly Osmond and Patrick Chan, who are both figure skaters.
I would like to go to le carnival de Quebec.

Blog 2: Au Quebec

5 places to visit:
1. Parc de la Chute-Montmorency its a fascinating waterfall which I don't see often
[EN] Only the rumbling of the fall was heard as some sunrays pierced the clouds; a forshadowing that the storms that would soon befall on Quebec.
[FR] Seul le vrombissement de la chute se faisait entendre alors que quelques rayons perçaient les épais nuages, présage des orages qui allaient bientôt s’abattre sur Québec. .
#elite_shotz #enjoycanada #explorecanada #igerscanada #landscape_capture #landscapeofficials #waterfall #nationalgeographic #outdooradventures #Snapshot_Canada #thebest_capture #thecanadiancollective #wonderful_places #tourcanada #canadiancreatives #igbest_shotz #ImagesofCanada #pocket_canada #canadaonline #sepaq #clicquebec #quebecregion #parcsquebec #longexposure

2. Les Aurores Boréales has great lights with a variety of colors that can't be found in the U.S
Image result for les aurores boréales
3. Les Laurentides looks amazing in the fall with lots of bright red, orange and yellow colors

4. Le Saint-Laurent is a great place to go sightseeing for animals which I rarely do here in the U.S
Image result for Le Saint-Laurent
5. Nord-du-Quebec this place has a lot of animals and wildlife which is amazing to see
Image result for north quebec
4 foods to eat:
1. Le sirop d'érable is the best and is produced largely in Quebec with an amazing taste

2.  La Poutine is something that I would love to try since I love cheese and fries
Image result for la poutine
3. Fromage is something I would like to try in Quebec as they have many varieties that you won't commonly find in the U.S
Image result for quebec cheese
4. Queues de Castors is something I would like to try as its similar to a pancake but much different
10 best foods to eat in Quebec frugal first class travel
3 activities:
1. Les traîneaux à chiens is something I would like to try out as I have rarely been in the snow and have never gone dog sledding
Image result for Les traîneaux à chiens
2. Le Canoë would be fun to try out. I have never gone canoeing before
Image result for Le Canoë
3. Ice Hockey is something that I have never done before but can be an authentic experience as its really cold there
Image result for ice hockey
2 famous people to meet:
1. August Schellenberg is a person I would like to meet because he is a famous French actor who played in popular movies
Image result for August Schellenberg quebec
2. Mack Sennett director is another person I would like to meet because he is a comedian and director
Mack Sennett
1 event:
1. Festival International de Jazz de Quebec is an event I would like to go to because I am a fan of music