lundi 29 octobre 2018

Blog 2: Au Quebec

Five Places I would like to visit:

1. I would like to visit La Gaspesie. I would like to visit this place because it is known for its Limestone rock formation.

2. The place I would like to go to next is Le Saint-Laurent because you can see a variety of large sea mammals like whales, dolphins, and sea lions. This would be like watching a sea show, watching all the mammals coming out beautifully from the water.

3. The other place I would like to visit would be Les Aurores Boreales. This is the northern lights in the South of Quebec City. This is where beautiful colored light appears in the sky. I would like to visit this place because of its beauty and how all the lights form.

4. The next place I would like to visit would be Les Laurentides. I would like to visit this place because of its spectacular foliage in the fall.

5. The last place I would like to visit would be Montreal. It has much culture and history about it and is the second largest French speaking city in the world after Paris.

Image result for les aurores borealesImage result for montreal

Four things I would like to eat:

1. La cipate aux bleuets. This is a kind of blueberry pie and it is special because of the unique blueberries. I would like to try this because it is a one of kind only found in Quebec.

2. The next thing I would like to try would be Le Sirop d'erable. This is hot maple syrup put onto a fresh bed of snow. I would like to try this because people do not usually eat snow, and it would be a different taste.

3. Next I would like to try Poutine. Poutine is not made in California. Quebec is known for this dish. I have never tried French fries in gravy before either so this would be tasty.

4. The last thing I would try is called Pate Chinois which is similar to a cottage pie. It is made with cheese, meat and potato which would taste really yummy.

Image result for poutineImage result for cipate aux bleuets

Three Activities I would like to do:

1. The first activity I would do is Le Canoe. In the summer it gets hot and canoeing is also fun.

2. The second activity I would like to do would be La Peche blanche. This is fishing through thicks blocks of snow. I have never gone fishing before so this would be cool especially in the snow.

3. The last activity I would like to do would be dog sledding which is Les traineaux a chiens. This would be fun. I would do this if it is provided.

Image result for canoeingImage result for dog sledding

Two famous people I would like to meet:

1. I would like to meet the Olympic athlete Jennifer Abel because she is a diver and is from Canada. I would like to talk to her about what she does.

2. The other person I would like to meet would be Joel Anthony because he is a basketball player from Canada.

Image result for joel anthonyImage result for jennifer abel

One event I would like to go to:
The event I would like to go to would be Le Carnival de Quebec. It is a big winter carnival with an ice palace and all the creations and all the sculptures would be very amazing to see.
Image result for le carnaval de quebec

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