lundi 29 octobre 2018

Blog 2: Au Quebec

5 places to visit:
1. Parc de la Chute-Montmorency its a fascinating waterfall which I don't see often
[EN] Only the rumbling of the fall was heard as some sunrays pierced the clouds; a forshadowing that the storms that would soon befall on Quebec.
[FR] Seul le vrombissement de la chute se faisait entendre alors que quelques rayons perçaient les épais nuages, présage des orages qui allaient bientôt s’abattre sur Québec. .
#elite_shotz #enjoycanada #explorecanada #igerscanada #landscape_capture #landscapeofficials #waterfall #nationalgeographic #outdooradventures #Snapshot_Canada #thebest_capture #thecanadiancollective #wonderful_places #tourcanada #canadiancreatives #igbest_shotz #ImagesofCanada #pocket_canada #canadaonline #sepaq #clicquebec #quebecregion #parcsquebec #longexposure

2. Les Aurores Boréales has great lights with a variety of colors that can't be found in the U.S
Image result for les aurores boréales
3. Les Laurentides looks amazing in the fall with lots of bright red, orange and yellow colors

4. Le Saint-Laurent is a great place to go sightseeing for animals which I rarely do here in the U.S
Image result for Le Saint-Laurent
5. Nord-du-Quebec this place has a lot of animals and wildlife which is amazing to see
Image result for north quebec
4 foods to eat:
1. Le sirop d'érable is the best and is produced largely in Quebec with an amazing taste

2.  La Poutine is something that I would love to try since I love cheese and fries
Image result for la poutine
3. Fromage is something I would like to try in Quebec as they have many varieties that you won't commonly find in the U.S
Image result for quebec cheese
4. Queues de Castors is something I would like to try as its similar to a pancake but much different
10 best foods to eat in Quebec frugal first class travel
3 activities:
1. Les traîneaux à chiens is something I would like to try out as I have rarely been in the snow and have never gone dog sledding
Image result for Les traîneaux à chiens
2. Le Canoë would be fun to try out. I have never gone canoeing before
Image result for Le Canoë
3. Ice Hockey is something that I have never done before but can be an authentic experience as its really cold there
Image result for ice hockey
2 famous people to meet:
1. August Schellenberg is a person I would like to meet because he is a famous French actor who played in popular movies
Image result for August Schellenberg quebec
2. Mack Sennett director is another person I would like to meet because he is a comedian and director
Mack Sennett
1 event:
1. Festival International de Jazz de Quebec is an event I would like to go to because I am a fan of music

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